Interview with Karilyn Bentley, Author of Demon Lore

I'm SUPER DUPER excited to have Karilyn Bentley as a guest today on my blog. I recently DEVOURED the first book in her series - Demon Lore. (To read my review on Amazon, go here). I can't wait for everyone else to read and enjoy it! The heroine was a perfect mix of sassy and flawed.

JC: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? 

KB: I have a husband, two dogs, a handful of nieces and nephews and a salt water reef tank. Actually the reef tank is the Hubster's but I like to look it so that counts, right? I love Harry Potter and would give anything for a working wand that cleans the house with a wave.

JC: What do you do when you are not writing? 

KB: Reading or playing with our puppy

JC: Oh, those cute puppies. Their little faces make you forgive them of the worst atrocities--namely destruction of shoes and cute jackets. Do you have a day job as well? 

KB: Yes! I'm a clinical research coordinator at an oncology clinic (in layman's terms that means I help run cancer trial protocols).

JC: Cancer has touched so many peoples' lives, either directly or indirectly, myself included. I think working in the oncology field must be very rewarding. When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? 

KB: I started writing back in 2001. It was bad. Really, really bad. I think it's hiding in the closet, buried under boxes.

JC: Oh! Mine two. We should introduce our first manuscripts and they can be buddies and hang out in the dark together. How did you choose the genre you write in? 

KB: I started reading paranormal romance shortly after I started writing. There was an article in Writer's Digest that mentioned joining RWA (Romance Writers of America) for the workshops and conferences so I did. When I showed up to the local chapter, I realized I should probably try to write a romance, since I was part of a romance writers' organization. That's how my first published novel was born (after many, many, many revisions!).

JC: Too funny! I followed a very similar path! Where do you get your ideas? 

KB: Sometimes I see a scene and decide to write a whole story on it. Other times I'm reading and think, hey, I can do something like that but better. <g>

JC: It's kind of creepy how alike we are. Do you ever experience writer’s block? 

KB: Yes, but it's usually due to procrastination or stress over my personal life. If I just sit for long enough at the computer it'll come to me.

JC: Fair enough! Do you work with an outline, or just write? 

KB: I'm a pantser (writes by the seat of my pants). I start with an idea, some characterization and a general direction of where I want the story to end. Then I just start following the rabbit holes. <g>

JC: Aha! I knew we couldn't be the same person! I'm more of a plotter-pantser hybrid, but I definitely have a rough outline before I start writing the meat of the story. Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult? 

KB: Sherrilyn Kenyon got me started reading romances as an adult, which lead to my current writing career. As a child I loved the Narnia Chronicles and the Land of Xanth, the Merlin series (can't remember which one), Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon and the Little House on the Prairie series. The first stories I wrote as a child were like Nancy Drew, something about a lost key in an old house.

JC: Loved all of those, too. Can you tell us about your challenges in getting your first book published? 

KB: I'll start with the romance book and skip over the stories hiding in the closet. <g> 

JC: <laugh out loud> Sounds good.

KB: The first romance I wrote sucked. Big time. But, as most first time authors, I thought it was the best thing ever. Luckily no one I submitted it to liked it. I continued writing and one of my critique partners suggested I enter this Wild Rose Press contest called Got Wolf. You had to submit a werewolf novella and they would select the top 6 and publish in an anthology. I got 4th place. I then submitted my novel to my editor and she about gagged, but offered some suggestions. I rewrote it. Better but not good enough. I rewrote it. And then rewrote it again and she contracted it. It's a much, much, much better story now. You can actually read it without gagging. <g> And that's how I got started writing.

JC: Hehehehe. You lost me to giggling fits with, "she about gagged." If you had to go back and do it all over, is there any aspect of your novel or getting it published that you would change? 

KB: No. It needed all that rewriting and I needed to grow as an author.

JC: I agree. My past got me where I am and I'm happy with that. How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for your genre? 

KB: I'm still experimenting with this. Marketing gives me the full body shivers.

JC: Me too. Have you written a book you love that you have not been able to get published? 

KB: Nope! I finally got the one I love published! It's out now!

JC: Yay! And I can't tell you how glad I am with that answer! Can you tell us about your upcoming book? 

KB: Demon Lore is the story of Gin Crawford, a nurse and empath who has some personal issues, and how she becomes a demon/minion hunter. Her new gig comes with Tall, Dark and Handsome, who may or may not have her best interests at heart. She must discover who wants her dead before she becomes the next victim in the ongoing battle.

JC: Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination? 

KB: All made up. I'm nothing like Gin. Okay, I take that back. I have been known to be a bit of a smart alec. <g>

JC: I can see that. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? 

KB: The interplay between Gin and her mentor, Smythe. Some of their scenes cracked me up.

JC: They cracked me up, too. How did you come up with the title? 

KB: After much thought. Each book in the series has a theme and features a demon. At first I wanted to name the books after the demon, but thought no one would know what the heck the book is about. And do I really want real demon names on the front of a book?? So I decided to have Demon in the title, so readers would know what the book is about, and a description. Since Gin is learning about demons and her role in killing them, I thought Lore was appropriate. And Demon Lore was born.

JC: I like the logic behind that. What project are you working on now? 

KB: Book 2 in the Demon Huntress series and I'm doing edits for the 4th book in my Draconia Tales series (all about dragons. You gotta love dragons!)

JC: Will you have a new book coming out soon? 

KB: Demon Lore is out now! The Detective's Dragon will be out next year (no release date yet)

JC: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with? 

KB: I'd like to stick with Gin and her story for awhile.

JC: What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment? 

KB: The toughest is when the reader just doesn't get the story. The best is when they do and stay up all night to read my book.

JC: We definitely shared some reviewer stories! Some of them can really sting, but I like how we're both able to laugh the bad ones off (maybe not riiiiight away). I think that's really important. Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers? 

KB: Keep writing. Don't give up. Listen to the criticism: even when you don't like it, often the reader has a point.

JC: Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans? 

KB: Thank you so much for reading my books! I'm so glad that someone gets my writing and comes back for more! You make my job worth it!

JC: Okay, enough of the serious stuff, let's have some FUN! Have you ever gone out in public with your shirt on backwards, or your slippers on, and when realizing it, just said screw it?

KB: Yep. Forgot my bra once while walking the dog. Had on a dark shirt so I figured it was okay. <g>

JC: I thought bra-less dog walking was normal. LOL. Do you prefer fuzzy or tub socks? 

KB: Fuzzy

JC: Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? 

KB: I'm OCD. The bed is always made as soon as I roll out of it.

JC: Be honest, how often do you wash your hair? 

KB: Ha! Every 2-3 days.

JC: Do you get road rage? What pisses you off the most about other drivers? 

KB: I never used to until we moved farther away from my job and into the land of stupid drivers who wouldn't know a speed limit if they saw the sign. Inattentive drivers drive me nuts!

JC: Do you go out of your way to kill bugs? Are there any that make you screech and hide? 

KB: I like spiders, they are beneficial (provided they aren't poisonous). I scoop crickets into the dust bin and put them outside. But roaches? <shivers thinking about them> Those make me scream for the Hubster. One time he was gone and I had to kill one myself. It was awful. Just thinking about those things makes me sick. Yuck!!

JC: LOL. Fair enough! Squash away. Thanks for being my guest today!

KB: Thank you for letting me blog with you today, J.C.!!!!!

Gin Crawford has enough problems dealing with her empath abilities. Finding out she's the world's newest demon-slayer is the last thing she needs. Unfortunately, when she slips on a mysterious bracelet she is given no other choice. On the plus side, her new gig comes with Tall, Dark and Handsome, a mage who may or may not have her best interests at heart. Thrust into a power-play between good and evil, Gin must choose a side before she becomes the next victim in the ongoing battle.

If you think it sounds as awesome as I did, here's the buy links:

Karilyn Bentley
Demon Lore on Amazon:



  1. Hi J.C.! Thank you for letting me blog with you today!!!!

    1. You're welcome! Great to have you! :-)

    2. I love the graphics! :) Thank you!!!

    3. I had a lot of fun finding them. ...maybe too much fun...

  2. Fun interview. The graphics are a hoot. And BTW, I have a couple first novels hiding somewhere in my closet that might like to hang out with yours. Ha.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Pam! Those hidden novels are scary. Let's hope they don't revolt and make a dash for the publishers. :)

    2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Pam! I also have some MSs in the closet. They could probably throw a part and have a great ol' time reading particularly rough/bad sections. hehehe

  3. What a cool interview with all the graphics!!! I'm amazed, and I want to see her salt water reef aquarium and her puppy. LOL

    1. Thank you for stopping by Hebby!! The graphics are awesome! Yay J.C.!! I'll try to figure out how to show you the tank and the puppy. :)

      Happy Reading!

    2. Thanks for commenting Hebby! I completely agree. I wasnt to see her puppy and reef aquarium, too :-)

  4. Great interview. Good luck, Karilyn.

  5. Karilyn, what a fun interview. That graphic with Honey boo-boo: "I just want to have fun." Lordy. Congratulations on the book, sweetie.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Vicki! I love those graphics too! Hugs!!!

    2. Hi Vicki! Thanks for the comment. The graphics are a lot of fun. But for some reason the puppy one stopped working. Boo! Oh well. I think Honey boo-boo makes up for it ;-)

    3. I noticed that puppy one stopped working. :( But I love the ones I can see. You are talented! :) I can't figure out how to cut and paste graphics. LOL!

    4. When I find the gif I want, I right click on it and select "copy URL," Then in blogger, I insert a picture and select "from URL" option. Then I paste (ctrl v) the copied URL address into the field. I still don't know what happened to the puppy. I tried inserting a different one from another site and it also crapped out. Oh well. We all know puppies = cuteness! Hehehe :-)

  6. Oh my gosh! I loved this interview--you had me snorting so many times. All the best with your release, Karilyn. Sounds great! :-)

    1. Thank you Mary!!! :) Glad you got a kick out of it! Happy Reading!!

    2. Hi Mary! Thanks for stopping by! I'm really glad you enjoyed Karilyn's interview. She's got a great sense of humour. :-)


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