Character Interview: Meghan Muldoon from For Keeps, by Veronica Lynch

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Please meet Meghan Muldoon 
from Veronica Lynch's For Keeps, A Candy Hearts Romance

(JC) Thank you for joining us Meg. Where are you from? 

(Meg) I was born in Limerick, Ireland but emigrated to the US as an infant. My parents were inn keepers who settled in a region known as the Irish Alps in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. Many Irish immigrants settled in the area over the years, hence the nickname.  

(JC) Tell us a bit about For Keeps. 

(Meg)It is about my struggle to balance my vocation as a victim advocate with my personal relationship. Working with victims of violence fulfills me professionally and spiritually but Keenan Rossi does something for me at the personal level that I never thought I'd find.

(JC) What did you think the first time you saw Keenan? 

(Meg) He couldn't keep his eyes off my legs and I was intrigued by the fact that he spilled  his coffee down the front of his shirt when he saw me.

(JC) What was your second thought? 

(Meg) Prior to coming to the Crime Victims Service, I spent ten plus years with the US Air Force in the Special Investigations Unit. It was a pleasant change to have a man consider me as a woman first and not a threat to his position.

(JC) Did you feel it was love at first sight? 

(Meg) Oh, no. No no no. Intrigue and interest, definitely, but not love.

(JC) What do you like most about Keenan? 

(Meg) He makes me laugh. And all his protective instincts rise to the surface when he senses men get . . . pushy with me. My Kee hasn't quite accepted that I'm not threatened by men who prefer wield their power in an abusive manner. 

(JC) How would you describe him? 

(Meg) A great huge teddy bear who likes to cook and grow his own vegetables. Not hobbies most people associate with police officers.

(JC) What made you choose victim advocacy as a career? 

(Meg) When I was in college my room-mate was raped by the captain of the lacrosse team. It was a well known Division 1 school with reputation for producing NCAA championship teams. She reported to the campus police who invented all manner of reasons not to believe her story; the university backed them up. My room-mate left school and later committed suicide. I decided then and there to do something with my life to help women.  

(JC) What is your biggest fear? 

(Meg) That I make things worse for my clients by listening to my ego and ignoring what they want. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm ashamed to say it happens too often in this field and clients are often put in greater jeopardy because the advocate failed in their responsibility to them. 

(JC) How do you relax? 

(Meg) I've developed an interest in interior decorating and want to turn Keenan's home into the sanctuary he deserves. 

(JC) Who is your favorite author and why? 

(Meg) I have several faves. John Sandford's [the Lucas Davenport “Prey” series] diverse characters make me laugh out loud. In the I also like John R. Maxim's Bannerman series; Robert B. Parker's small town chief of police, Jesse Stone; and Robert Ludlum's Jason Bourne. All have unique gifts and use those gifts in interesting ways. One thing they all do is hold my interest to the very last page.   

(JC) What is the best piece of advice you ever received?  

(Meg) My mother once told me, “It's not about you, Meghan darling. It's all about them. What they want, what they need. So pay attention.”


Meghan Muldoon is at a crossroads: struggling to balance the demands of a high stress vocation as an advocate for victims of violence with her feelings for Keenan Rossi, a man who wants to make their relationship permanent.

On Valentine's Day,  a series of routine crises force Meg to question staying in a profession which fulfills her both professionally and spiritually—or devoting the rest of her life to the one person who completes her.

Which one is For Keeps?

Buy Now


            “Crime Victim Services. How may I help you?”
            The caller's voice was low, husky, and exquisitely male. “Do you know the difference between a barracuda and a victim advocate?”
            Her heart skipped a beat. “Lip gloss.”
            “Well damn,” Kee muttered. “You already heard it.”
            “An oldie but a goodie, pal.”
            “Aren't we all. How you doin' on this gorgeous February day, gorgeous?”
            Bringing his handsome face to mind took no great effort. They had worked together for more years than either cared to count. When the relationship progressed beyond professional Meg felt they should keep things under the radar. At first Keenan agreed, claiming he wasn't in the mood tor any crap from his peers about exploring his feminine side. But after a while he began to push for something more permanent. And she wasn't so sure she was ready for that, especially marriage. Meg liked being able to come and go as she pleased, responsible only to herself, and for herself.
            Even though she heard the tease in his voice now, she was still smarting from last night so proceeded with caution. “Not too bad. How's by you?”
            “Lemme tell you, cara. If I was any better, I'd scare myself.”

About The Author: 
            Writing under the pseudonyms Kat Henry Doran and Veronica Lynch, author Kathy Cottrell uses her experiences as a forensic nurse examiner, victim advocate, malpractice insurance investigator and nurse-paralegal for background in her award winnings novels and novellas. For setting, she has chosen her favorite places on earth: the Catskill and Adirondack Mountains, as well as the historic Thousand Islands regions of Upstate and Northern New York State.
            When not writing or chasing grandchildren, Kathy spends her time designing and creating tote bags and aprons to custom order.

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  1. Love this interview, and the insight into your character! This was a fun book despite the heavier subject matter. The main characters are both so strong willed!

    Happy Valentines Day and best of luck with this wonderful new release!

    1. Hi, Katie
      thanks so much for stopping by. Yes, the subject manner is heavy but we always managed to find some humor--often ourselves the object of the laughter.
      Best, Veronica

    2. I can't wait to read this story! Thanks for stopping by Katie! :-)

  2. This looks fantastic. Congratulations and good luck on your release. I'm tweeting this fabulous interview now.

    1. Wow. Thanks for the tweet, Nicci! I'm so computer challenged I consider tweets sounds made by birds. One of these days . . .
      thanks for stopping by.
      Best, Veronica

    2. Thank you for sharing Nicci! And thank you for the visit :-)

  3. To Meghan - you were always the kind of advocate I aspired to be!! You're a wonderful gal and I'm so glad you sticking with Rossi because he's a keeper! Well done!

    1. Thanks, Peg. Yeah Rossi is patterned after a keeper type cop. Pure yum.
      best, Veronica

    2. Thanks for visiting Peggy! :-)

  4. I love the way you utilize your own experiences for your books. This one sounds fantastic!

    1. I totally agree! Thanks for commenting Susan! :-)

    2. Thanks, Susan
      the "life" is all I know--thankfully it has many factions so I have lots to draw on.
      Best, Veronica

  5. I love that you have a strong hero who isn't afraid to show his softer side. Also, your heroine isn't rushing into a wedding dress. This sounds like a great book. Good luck.

    1. Sounds like a great book to me too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :-)

    2. thanks for stopping by Sandra. This book is one of my favorites so far. Keenan melts my heart.
      Best, Veronica

  6. As a USAF vet I am quite familiar with the OSI. I was wondering if Veronica is a veteran?

    1. I'm not sure, but thank you for stopping by and thank you for your service :-)

    2. Hi, Angelina,
      no, not a military veteran. I researched OSI with a retired USAF Major who was with the OSI. He helped me develop Meghan.
      Looks like it worked! Thanks for the compliment.
      Best wishes, Veronica

  7. Enjoyed the interview! Loved the book! Good Luck!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Tena :-)


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