Several paranormal romance author friends and I are releasing a paranormal romance anthology this year! Each of us features a different paranormal creature. Help us pick the best cover designed by the fabulous Abigail Owen. Which do you like best - the girl, or the moon?


  1. I love the title.
    I vote for the moon shot, but I would change the color of the lettering. The light pink looks weak to me and I'm not sure that I like the change in font within the title.
    That's my two cents.
    It's going to be great.

    1. Thanks Jo-Ann. I kind of like the title font. I feel it contrasts with the boldness of the background, but to each their own, and Ill definitely pass on your comments. :-)

  2. I honestly think they're both good covers JC (and I have no problem with the title font). I tried to pick one or the other, but while the moon shot is more dramatic, the woman seems to appeal to me more. A non-answer, but one that says either would work.

    1. LOL! A non-answer it is. Thank you for the feedback :-)

  3. Wow, JC. They're both so good. Mathair and I were torn for a while, but we both agree that the girl cover is very powerful and leaves such a statement. It's very fluid and ethereal.


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