Calendar Giveaway Results #giveaway #winners

Thank you very much for making my first giveaway back such a success. I used to randomly select the winners from the large pool of entrants. Congrats to the following:

Sharon of Ohio
Joy of Arizona
Beverly of New Mexico
Danelle of BC
Elizabeth of Nova Scotia
Linda of Illinois
Michelle of New Jersey
Kate of New York
Lysette of North Carolina
Rachel of North Dakota
Crystine of Wyoming
Alyssa of Kentucky
Frances of Alaska
Grace of Ontario
Barb of Wisconsin
Eva of Florida
Rebecca of BC
Tammy of Montana
CB of BC
Cindy of Indiana
Cat of BC = #21!

If you're counting, that's 21. I had an extra, so #21 was the lucky extra winner. I may have a few more at the end of the year, and if so, I'll pull some random names from the list that didn't receive a calendar the first time and send them off.

I hope you entered your mailing addresses correctly, because that's where they're going!

By the way... This is what a headache looks like to a postal worker:

Congratulations to all the winners! The calendars were sent off today, so hopefully some of them will arrive in time for Christmas!


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