VIPA #VanIsle #Paranormal #Authors

I'm very excited to announce that I've banded together with my mom and fellow writer, Jo-Ann Carson to form VIPA: Vancouver Island Paranormal Authors. Although we write independently, now that I'm back on the West Coast, it's nice to have a partner in crime to attend author events with. Better than nice. It's my MOM, guys!!

Jo-Ann Carson writes "Paranormal Light", or as I like to call them "Naughty Cozies." There's mystery, romance and humour.

For those not familiar with my work, I write on the darker side and tend to classify my books as paranormal romance, dark fantasy or urban fantasy, depending on the balance of heat, plot and violence.

If you'd like to check VIPA out, we're here:


  1. Naughty cozies! I love it. I'm definitely stealing that line.
    I'm thrilled to be attending events with you. So thrilled I can't seem to find the words. I am so proud if you.
    This will be great fun.

    1. Steal away! I'm so thrilled and proud, too. 😊


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