Weird Product Wednesday: Ball Wash #WeirdProductWednesday

Happy Valentine's Day

Struggling to think of a last minute gift for your significant other? Well, I have the product for you. While some men might take it offensively if you hand them soap specifically designed to clean their junk, I think it's a rather sweet and caring way to say, without saying, you care about their manhood.

(Picture from Ball Wash Official Facebook Page)

"Ball Wash is a Men's Natural Activated Charcoal wash for your nuts, butt and body. Treat your boys like the champions they are." (Ball Wash, 2018)

With slogans like:
"Goes on Black
Cleans your sack"
"Keep your junk jolly" (Christmas Campaign)
"Desk the halls with clean balls" (Christmas Campaign)
(Picture from Ball Wash Official Facebook Page)

I want to buy the product for the sheer marketing genius, and I don't even have balls!

Where on earth did they come up with the concept? From The Official Ball Wash Facebook Page:
As with all good ideas, this one started in the shower. As I grabbed that same tired bottle of men’s drugstore body wash, and poured that neon blue liquid into my hand it hit me. Why am I using a $4 body wash that has more chemicals and words that I can pronounce than I care to admit?
I deserve better, my body deserves better, my boys deserve better than this. And that’s when I decided to create a product that I wanted to start my day with, a product that makes me feel great and smells great in the process. ~ Ball Wash (A Legend Is Born, 29 DECEMBER 2017)
And what could possibly beat the hilarious, yet on-point, marketing campaigns?

The reviews!

 (Picture from Ball Wash Official Facebook Page)

Ball Wash... The product you might not even need, but still want to buy...

What do you think? Worth a try? Or

Looking for a gift for yourself?

Get the "Play Time" Candy Hearts boxed set, which includes Be My Love, by yours truly.
$5.99 for 8 great #lovestories


  1. This made me laugh so hard!! I think it's hilarious. Wish I had known about it in time for today. What a Valentine's Day gift!

    1. Hehehe I laughed really hard when I ran across this product on my FB feed, too! I still giggle about it. Some people think of the funniest things :-)

      I should go check out if they have any Valentine's Day slogans...

  2. Omg the perfect Valentine gift. 🙌🏻😍

    1. Right?!? I'm totally going to get this for my husband next year. ;-)

  3. Yikes! Interesting product. Smart marketing plan...loved the page lines. Can't say I'd buy it, unless as a gag gift, but it's probably not cheap.

    1. It's probably not! But the marketing is brilliant. :-)

  4. There's pretty much a market for everything these days! haha. I'll pass, though.

    1. LOL! I know! And the thing is, I'd buy this at least once for my husband. :-D

  5. Thank you for the laugh! While I wouldn't buy it, I do love the marketing! And he's right about one thing, there are a ton of chemicals in body wash. Thanks for sharing. :)


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