Writer Wednesday: My Top 5 Supporting Documents #tips #writerlife #top5
Today I'm going to share the TOP 5 supporting documents I MUST HAVE for my writing process. They've helped keep my mind sane, when really I should've cracked. 5. Character tracking Excel spreadsheet I use an Excel spreadsheet to keep all my characters' names, nicknames, job titles, supernatural type, parents' names/lineage, physical description, personal tics, etc straight. Excel's sorting feature makes it super convenient to find characters and to also ensure I don't double up on my names. 4. Book Timeline: Keep a timeline for your book(s), this is especially important for series. For example, if the first book is set for the beginning of May and the story spans about a month of time, the ending occurs around June. If book 2 picks up 6 months later, that means it starts at the beginning of December, and probably shouldn't have any heat waves (unless you're in the southern hemisphere) 3. Backstory Timeline: It's als...