Writing Inspiration Comes in the Darnest Places - Guest Blogger Tena Stetler

While finishing the edits on my third book in the Demon’s Witch Series, A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance, I noticed a comment in the margin of my manuscript. My editor asked what happened to Synn and Gavin? I’d left them swinging in the breeze, so as to speak. I decided to tie up the loose ends later. Right now, I had to run to the store to get baking potatoes for dinner.

Trip to the store was uneventful. I bagged the potatoes and headed to the checkout counter. That’s where all hell broke loose. Synn careened around the edges of my mind, squealing to a stop. In my mind’s eye, I saw her petite body, hands fisted on hips, pixie face scrunched up and eyes blazing. “I’m not done.  My story has just begun.  You can’t end me with a few strokes of the keyboard.  I won’t stand for it.” She stamped her little foot.  Gavin with a grin on his face stood slightly behind her.  I shook my head in disbelief.  Oh, boy, bad timing.

Wow, had I been at my keyboard this revelation would have been wonderful as my fingers zoomed over the keyboard with the beginning of Synn and Gavin’s tale.  As it was, I was chatting with the clerk I see nearly each week in the grocery checkout lane, when Synn so rudely interrupted. Trying to keep the clerk’s conversation on tract and the one exploding in my head under control without appearing to be a lunatic was challenging to say the least.  Sometimes characters refuse to be silenced when their interruptions are inconvenient.  Ever had that happen to you? 

My family is used to my sometimes bizarre behavior.  But the general public, not so much.

I politely told the clerk, I was late and barreled out the door, jumped in my car and raced home. In my office, I opened a new file on my computer, with a temporary title and began the tale of Synn and Gavin hoping it would quiet the little demon for the time being.  Not so much, dinner would be late!

There is one more book to come in the Demon’s Witch series, An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement, it’s in edits right now, before Synn’s story sees the light of day. Will she wait patiently or drive me crazy remains to be seen.

A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance released November 29, 2017. Psst… there is be a sneak peek at the fourth book in the series, An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement, in the back of A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance. You might want to check it out.

Tena Stetler is a paranormal romance author with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel and adventure flourish in her novels. Any winter evening, you can find her curled up in front of a crackling fire with a good book, a mug of hot chocolate and a bowl of popcorn.

Contact Information:
Website: http://www.tenastetler.com
Authors’ Secret’s Blog - http://www.tenastetler.com/category/authors-secrets-blog/
My Say What Blog - http://www.tenastetler.com/category/my-say-what-blog/
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/tenastetler.author
Twitter Page: www.twitter.com/TenaStetler
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14187532.Tena_Stetler
The Wild Rose Press: http://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/1264_tena-stetler
Amazon:  www.amazon.com/author/tenastetler
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A VAMPIRE’S UNLIKELY ALLIANCE–Not what you’ve come to expect from a Vampire Tale! Join Stefan and Brandy on an exciting Romantic Fantasy that begins in Glacier National Park, winds through Australia. Will they make it to Ireland where an Irish folk tale may control their destiny? Are their travels the key to unravelling secrets and returning the magic?

PSST.... This is J. C. McKenzie interrupting to add...
It's Tena's birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday, Tena!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog. Your updated page looks great! And for spilling the beans out it being my birthday! LOL !

    1. Hhehehehe! I hope you're having a fabulous day :-)

  2. Oh, the grocery store people already think I'm crazy. :) Actually, my neighborhood does too, since I usually spend half my walks talking to myself and working out plot issues. Happy birthday!

    1. Jennifer thanks for stopping by! Yep, my neighbors and grocery people think I'm a little off, but that's ok. Keeps them on their toes!

    2. I think everyone in my immediate vicinity thinks I'm nuts. I totally talk to myself. All. The. Time! LOL! Thanks for visiting Jennifer :-)

  3. Happy happy birthday, Tena! And don't you love it when your characters want to help! A Vampire's Unlikely Alliance is going strong! Only part of the process that another will follow.
    Best wishes for lots of sales!

    1. Thank you Sandra for stopping by! Thanks for the sweet words!

    2. I LOVE it when characters want to help! Makes it so much easier and feels like my hands just fly on the keyboard. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sandra! <3

  4. Happy birthday Tena! Have as much fun as you want. M. S.

    1. Thanks M.S. Spencer. Should be a fun day! Working on WIP, playing with the dog and parrot!

    2. Thanks for visiting M.S. and congrats on your own release today :-)

    3. Ohhhh.. M.S. Congrats on your new release! Good Luck!

  5. Happy Birthday Tena! I loved the book and am looking forward to the next one! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Karilyn. I haven't read this one yet, but I definitely plan to :-)

    2. Thanks Karilyn! I'm so glad you loved the book! Waiting on the 2nd round of edits for the next one. Have a great week!

  6. Happy birthday, Tena! Hope you have a terrific day. I enjoyed learning more about your quirks. Thanks for sharing. Best of luck with your new book.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting C.B. :-)

    2. Thanks C.B. Clark! I am having a good day. Have a great week!

  7. Happy birthday, Tena! Love it when characters spring to life like they did for you. The only way to silence the voices is to make them happy by telling their story. Best wishes!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I couldn’t agree more!

    2. I agree Cat! We must silence those voices somehow! Writing seems like the healthiest option :-)


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