Karilyn Bentley and Devil Take Me #newrelease #authorinterview #authorfriends

I have a special treat today! ...AND her name is...

Karilyn Bentley.

Whenever this amazing author asks me to read her latest manuscript in her Demon Huntress Series, I drop everything to find out what Gindan (Gin + Aidan) are up to next. I'm excited to have Karilyn on my blog today. Enjoy!

KB: Hi J.C.! Thank you for having me on today! It's always a good time at your blog! I'm excited about the release of Devil Take Me, Gin Crawford's fourth adventure. Read on for some fun interview answers (featuring yours truly) as well as the blurb and excerpt. Enjoy!

JC: Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from, what are your interests, how did you start writing? 

KB: I'm originally from Texas, but now live in Colorado. I like to read, take my dogs for walks, hike in nature, play the piano, and occasionally paint.

JC: Tell us about your upcoming/latest/new book. 

KB: Devil Take Me is the fourth book in the urban fantasy Demon Huntress series and features Gin Crawford, the world's newest demon huntress. Not only is there a demon running loose wreaking havoc, but shady things are happening at the Agency, her demon-hunting employer. Gin and her guardian mage, Aidan Smythe, are on the rocks. They have to patch things up between them in order to fight the demon and uncover the Agency's secrets.

JC: I loved this story and can't wait for others to read it, too. Tell us about your book cover. Who did it? How did you or they come up with the concept? 

KB: I love my book cover! Diana Carlile creates all the covers for this series and she does great work! I gave her guidelines (i.e. a woman with a sword) and she came up with the cover art.

JC: I'm always amazed with how cover artists can take our (sometimes incredibly basic) guidelines and turn it into something truly amazing and eye catching. Now...Do you believe in Big Foot? Explain. 

KB: Hmm. Not really, but it is an interesting theory. I read that scientists did DNA tests on hair attributed to a Yeti and discovered all but one were bear hairs (the other was dog hair). But still. It's fun to think there might be something out there!

JC: I love that you researched current scientific facts on the subject. This is just one of the many reasons we're buddies. So let me now ask you, why do you think a tennis ball is fuzzy? 

KB: Not sure. But I know why it's not fuzzy, because my dogs have pulled all the fuzz off the ball and tried to eat it.

JC: Mine, too! Okay, you’re a new addition to a crayon box. What colour would you be and why? 

KB: Green. It's my favorite color!

JC: Just green? Not "lush forest on a spring day"? No, never mind. That's mine. hehehe. If you were a tree, what kind would you be and why? 

KB: A ponderosa pine or a Douglas Fir. They are pretty and evergreen (see, there's the color green again!). Did you know ponderosa pines smell like butterscotch? The next time you see one, take a sniff of the bark.

JC: Looks like I'm going bark sniffing. I didn't even know that was a thing until now! What do you think about when you’re alone in the car/house/bus? 

KB: Things I need to do. Plot lines for my WIP. Other things I can't put on here.

JC: *giggling* How many cows do you think are in Canada? 

KB: This cracks me up! I have no idea, but am guessing probably less than are in America. Maybe like a million?

JC: I'm hurt by your lack of Canadian trivia. You are correct that the USA has more cows, but Canada has a higher Cow:Person ratio with 11.9 million cows to 34.5 million people.

For those wanting to know stats: 

United States89,800,000320,362,0000.28

JC: Speaking of beef... If I came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for me? 

KB: I'd love to have you, but I don't cook. I'll have Hubby cook you something. He's a great cook!

JC: I'd totally come anyway. Do you have wine? I'm a guaranteed date if there's wine. Where do you recommend people go on their next vacation? 

KB: To a national park. Pick one, all the ones I've been to are great!

JC: There's so many beautiful parks in the states! I'm still sad we never made it to Yellowstone when we lived in Saskatchewan. Moving on... What kitchen utensil would you be and why? 

KB: A knife. Because I'm sharp! Ha!

JC: *LAUGHING* That's awesome. I want to be a knife, now, too. What things do you not like to do? 

KB: DUST! I HATE dusting!! Yes, I know that inch-thick dust on everything is a huge allergen, but then again, so is knocking it off the furniture. Ah-choo!

JC: I hate cleaning in general. I've trained my eldest minion to use a swiffer duster, so that takes care of dusting for me. Anyway... What’s your spirit animal? 

KB: A wolf

JC: Very matter-of-fact. I think my spirit animal is a rabid raccoon... I would prefer a wolf. If you could only wave a magic wand once and fix one problem in the world, what would it be and why? 

KB: I'd make it so people want to understand each other and not hate. You know, give people empathy and understanding of others who are different from them. I think that would clean up a good deal of the problems in the world.

JC: I do, too. What a wonderful thing to wish for. More love, less hate. What’s the last book you read? 

KB: Linsey Hall's Dragon Gift series.

JC: Oooo, I read her series, too. Great books. Thank you so much for visiting the Carus Chronicles today. For those reading the interview, there's a blurb and excerpt about Karilyn's latest release below. It's a recommended read!

A demon attack…

Reeling from a personal tragedy and abandoned by all she loves, the world's newest demon huntress, Gin Crawford, sinks into a deep despair. She’s forced back to reality by news of a large number of people committing suicide, all on the same night. Suspecting demon involvement, Gin must work with her sexy but estranged mentor Aidan Smythe to track who, or what, is behind the deaths.

Leads to a new discovery…

As they come closer to finding the culprit, they realize their employer, the Agency, is hiding its own secret, one which threatens Gin's very existence. New discoveries reveal that even those dedicated to eradicating evil can be bought. Can Gin and Smythe forgive each other and work together or will they fall under the demon's thrall?


     A vision of an auburn-haired man dressed in dark trousers and a gray button-down, appears in my head. He sits on my closed toilet lid, watching me sleep in the full tub, watching as my head slides closer to the waterline.
     It must be a dream. How else can I be asleep and still see the bathroom, my sleeping self and the man? A dream. Only a dream. His voice is nothing more than my imaginings.
     And yet I feel the need to answer. To deny his words.
     I’m not listening to you. I make an effort to rebuke the voice, refusing to take what it offers, refusing to admit its enticing pull.
     Oh, but you are. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his gaze firmly affixed to my face. You contemplate my words. You seek the rest only I can give.
     Yeah, right. Not buying it, buster. Although I’m starting to want what he offers. I’ll never admit it to Mystery Man. What can a figment of my imagination really do?
     I am not a figment. He smiles, his lips pulling away from straight, white teeth.
     Despite the warm water, a chill runs down my spine. He holds out his hand.
     Come. Take my hand. Rest. Leave your problems behind.

Buy NOW:

Amazon: https://www.amzn.com/B078JZXJX1
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/devil-take-me/id1331765136
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/devil-take-me-karilyn-bentley/1127750684
TWRP: https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/all-titles/5535-devil-take-me.html

Karilyn Bentley's love of reading stories and preference of sitting in front of a computer at home instead of in a cube, drove her to pen her own works, blending fantasy and romance mixed with a touch of funny.

Her paranormal romance novella, Werewolves in London, placed in the Got Wolf contest and started her writing career as an author of sexy heroes and lush fantasy worlds.

Karilyn lives in Colorado with her own hunky hero, a crazy dog nicknamed The Kraken, a silly not-quite-a-puppy, and a handful of colorful saltwater fish.

Where to find Karilyn:

Website: www.karilynbentley.com
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ba_0Rf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarilynBentleyAuthor
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/karilynbentley1
Blog: http://plottingprincesses.blogspot.com
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4051943.Karilyn_Bentley
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/karilynbentley
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/karilyn-bentley


  1. Hi JC!! Thank you for having me on today!! I'm really glad you published the cow stats. I wasn't sure if I should Google the answer or just answer off the top of my head, so I went off the top of my head. Pretty funny question! :) Have a great day!!

    1. Hehehe! Yes, you were supposed to answer off the top of your head. I thought you did great with my random trivia questions. (Tennis ball fuzz has to do with bounce and and friction)

    2. Well, thank you! I forgot that about the tennis ball fuzz. Seeing how none of my tennis balls have fuzz. ha! :)

  2. Bark sniffing--I love it! Great interview and good luck with the book!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! It's true! My nieces told me Ponderosa pines smell like vanilla or chocolate, but I find it's more like butterscotch. :) Have a great Tuesday!

    2. I need to find some Ponderosa trees, stat! Thanks for visiting Jennifer!

  3. Interesting interview...different. I enjoyed learning a few quirky thing sabot you, Karilyn. I agree with you. I'd be a Doulas Fir tree. Good luck with your release.

    1. LOL! "Interesting" definitely covers it. Thanks for stopping by C.B.! :-)

    2. Thank you CB!! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! Quirky questions are fun. And Douglas Firs are gorgeous, glad you picked that one too! :) Happy Reading!

  4. Great post! Now I want to go tree sniffing and grill a steak!
    Congrats, Karilyn!

    1. Thank you Sandra!! I'm glad to inspire you to sniff tree bark. :) Enjoy!! :)

  5. Awesome interview, ladies! Very funny Q&A, leaving me grinning to start my morning. Karilyn, your new addition to the series is AWESOME and everyone should have Gin Crawford on their TBR list of sassy heroines.

    1. Thanks Katie! I giggled the whole time I read Karilyn's responses. And I agree, Gin Crawford should be on everyone's sassy list

    2. Thank you Katie!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview and I'm really pumped you love Gin!! She'll be back later this year. :)


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