
Showing posts from December, 2014

Interview with Karilyn Bentley, Author of Demon Lore

I'm SUPER DUPER excited to have Karilyn Bentley as a guest today on my blog. I recently DEVOURED the first book in her series - Demon Lore. (To read my review on Amazon, go here ). I can't wait for everyone else to read and enjoy it! The heroine was a perfect mix of sassy and flawed. JC: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  KB: I have a husband, two dogs, a handful of nieces and nephews and a salt water reef tank. Actually the reef tank is the Hubster's but I like to look it so that counts, right? I love Harry Potter and would give anything for a working wand that cleans the house with a wave. JC: What do you do when you are not writing?  KB: Reading or playing with our puppy JC: Oh, those cute puppies. Their little faces make you forgive them of the worst atrocities--namely destruction of shoes and cute jackets. Do you have a day job as well?  KB: Yes! I'm a clinical research coordinator at an oncology clinic (in layman's terms ...